The Best Abilities in Mobius: Final Fantasy

With an overwhelming number of Ability Cards in Mobius: Final Fantasy to help you reach your main goal of becoming the prophesied "Warrior of Light", it could be quite perplexing for beginners to differentiate which of these to strengthen, and which to simply ignore, sell, or fuse with others. And that's why we'd like to share with you the best Abilities categorized according to Job type.

Note: The information found below are directly translated from Altema's Mobius Final Fantasy Wiki.

Best Abilities For Warrior Type

1. Amazones (Smash/Strong Attack Ability)

Boasting its extreme Fire element power, this Ability strikes twice: first is a single-enemy attack, immediately followed by a strong blow that affects all opponents. It can be used for boss fights and dealing with multiple enemies as well.
Highest Damage: 1320
Highest Break Power: 660
Element Orbs Cost: 6 Fire orbs

2. Ixion and Bahamut (Multiple-Enemy: Weakening Ability)

Abilities that effectively weaken multiple opponents can be used in various occasions. The above cards' break values are high and their offensive damage is relative high as well. Because of this, as well as the fact that they can bestow weakening debuff unto the enemies, they are conveniently used in both boss battles and Auto Mode.
Highest Damage: 540
Highest Break Power: 900
Element Orbs Cost: 4 Water orbs

Highest Damage: 540
Highest Break Power: 900
Element Orbs Cost: 4 Fire orbs

3. Ares (Single-Enemy Ability)

With an outstanding break power, further amplified by its firepower, this single-enemy attack Ability comes next. If you're only considering defeating a boss, this is the go-to Ability.
However, if you're surrounded with multiple opponents, since this card isn't omnipotent, you're better off with an AoE or a multiple-enemy Ability Card.
Highest Damage: 660
Highest Break Power: 540
Element Orbs Cost: 3 Fire orbs

4. Ifrit (Multiple-Enemy Ability)

With a great firepower and the ability to deal damage against multiple enemies, Ifrit is a must-have. Once you've upgraded it into a 5-star card, its element orb cost will decline, allowing for better usability.
Even if it has a relatively low Break value, it's good for Auto Mode, where opponents can easily be defeated by mere firepower.
Highest Damage: 720
Highest Break Power: 360
Element Orb Cost: 4 Fire orbs

5. Bouncer and Poseidon (Single Enemy: Weakening Ability)

If you compare single-enemy (weakening debuff) Abilities to those of multiple-enemy (weakening debuff), you'd think that the former is weaker, but when you're faced with a seemingly indestructible enemy with high HP, the latter isn't suitable as it will also weaken the opponents that you aren't targeting, so there's a high chance that your target may resist the debuff.

This is why for situations as mentioned above (which will become more often as your level increases), it's best to use a single-attack weakening debuff Ability.

Highest Damage: 450
Highest Break Power: 750
Element Orb Cost: 3 Fire orbs

Highest Damage: 450
Highest Break Power: 750
Element Orb Cost: 3 Water orbs

6. Geryon (AoE/Splash Damage Ability)

Abilities of this kind may deal low damage and have low Break Power, but since they're good for both single-enemy and multiple-enemy (with the same element) offences, they are dubbed as "omnipotent" and are quite efficient.

Highest Damage: 540
Highest Break Power: 360
Element Orb Cost: 3 Fire orbs

Best Abilities for Mage Type

1. Phoenix (Smash/Strong Attack Ability)

As stated above (Warrior Category), Abilities of this kind take pride in their strong firepower, plus dual attack (single-enemy and multiple-enemy). Hence, Phoenix is suitable for all battles. However, it has one con: its high element orb cost.

Highest Damage: 1320
Highest Break Power: 660
Element Orb Cost: 6 Fire orb

2. Ramuh and Asura (Multiple-Enemy: Weakening Ability)

Even though both Abilities are effective in weakening multiple enemies, many players complain about the difficulty in strengthening Ramuh. Similarly, Mobius fans are saying that Asura's relatively weak up until you evolve her into a 4-star card. Nevertheless, both of the above Abilities are good for Mages who generally have low Break Power.

Highest Damage: 540
Highest Break Power: 900
Element Orb Cost: 4 Wind orbs

Highest Damage: 540
Highest Break: Power: 900
Element Orb Cost: 4 Fire orbs

3. Giraffe (Single-Enemy Ability)

This fiery giraffe is able to deal great damage and has amazing Break Power too. In addition, its low element orb cost allows for frequent use.

However, its usability weakens from the 3rd Chapter onwards, where multiple-enemy battles are abound.

Highest Damage: 660
Highest Break Power: 540
Element Orb Cost: 3 Fire orbs

4. Ifrita (Multiple-Enemy Ability)

This female version of Ifrit is in no way different from its male counterpart, other than the job suitable for it. Oh, and well... the scorching hot "girl on fire" on its card art.

Highest Damage: 720
Highest Break Power: 360
Element Orb Cost: 4 Fire orbs

5. Diablos and Orcus (Single-Enemy: Weakening Ability)

Both Abilities are great for weakening undefeatable opponents and if you're aiming to Break your target early in the battle.

Highest Damage: 450
Highest Break Power: 750
Element Orb Cost: 3 Fire orbs

Highest Damage: 450
Highest Break Power: 750
Element Orb Cost: 3 Water orbs

6. Belias (AoE/Splash Damage Ability)

Belias is recommended for White Mages who have unlocked the "Fire Element Strength +150%" Skill Panel. This versatile Ability can be used for both single-enemy and multiple-enemy battles; however, be careful not to make a mistake in your target order, or this AoE Ability might lose its purpose.
Highest Damage: 540
Highest Break Power: 360
Element Orb Cost: 3 Fire orbs

Best Abilities For Ranger Type

1. Camelot (Smash/Strong Attack Ability)

Just like all Smash/Strong Attack Abilities, this is your ultimate weapon against all sorts of enemies if you've chosen to play as a Ranger. However, it's quite difficult to evolve/strengthen.

Highest Damage: 1320
Highest Break Power: 660
Element Orb Cost: 6 Fire orbs

2. Mateus and Anemone (Multiple-Enemy: Weakening Ability)

While Mateus is good for lowering multiple enemies' resistance to critical blows, Anemone takes pride in being the go-to Ability for Rangers whose goal is to Break all opponents.

Highest Damage: 540
Highest Break Power: 900
Element Orb Cost: 4 Wind orbs

Highest Damage: 540
Highest Break: Power: 900
Element Orb Cost: 4 Fire orbs

3. Duminas (Single-Enemy Ability)

Duminas is recommended for Hunters who have unlocked the "Fire Element Strength +150%" Skill Panel, and for Rogues who have high Magical Power.

Highest Damage: 660
Highest Break Power: 540
Element Orb Cost: 3 Fire orbs

4. Goemon (Multiple-Enemy Ability)

According to user comments, Goemon compensates for its high element orb cost through its intense firepower. However, its Break Power relies on the number of element orb consumed.

Highest Damage: 720
Highest Break Power: 360
Element Orb Cost: 4 Fire orbs

5. Michael and Cuchulainn (Single-Enemy: Weakening Ability)

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The former is compatible with Rangers who have unlocked the "Wind Element Strength +150%" Skill Panel and Dancers with high critical and resistance, while the latter is best suited for Assassins with "Water Element Strength 40%" attribute.
Highest Damage: 450
Highest Break Power: 750
Element Orb Cost: 3 Wind orbs

Highest Damage: 450
Highest Break Power: 750
Element Orb Cost: 3 Water orbs


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